Colour fastness to light through glass optical fibre thermometer on thermal colour effect 耐透过玻璃的光色牢度光纤热色效应温度计
Colour fastness to light through glass Transmittance And Reflectance Meter 耐透过玻璃的光色牢度可视光透过率、反射率计
Textiles& Testing method for colour fastness to light: Carbon arc GB/T8428-1987纺织品耐光色牢度试验方法:碳弧
The Moisture Control Standard Specimen for Colour Fastness Testing Instrument to Light 耐光色牢度试验仪用湿度控制标样
Research of Blue Standard For Colour Fastness to Light and Its Making 耐光色牢度蓝色标准的研制
Testing results show that the colour fastness, especially to wet rubbing, is lower in comparison with light colour fabrics. 测试结果表明,其色牢度特别是湿摩擦牢度较一般浅色织物偏低。
The several colour fastnesses of the fabrics dyed by reactive dyestuffs, for example fastness to light, fastness to light-perspiration, fastness to wet rubbing, fastness to chlorine etc, are one of the main problems, which exist at present in reactive dyestuffs. 活性染料染色物的色牢度如光牢度、汗-日光牢度、湿摩擦牢度和耐氯牢度等问题是当今活性染料存在的主要问题之一。